IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING NEWER VERSIONS: Automated Systems PO Box 503 West Paterson NJ 07424 (201) 812-1428 (voice) (201) 812-1169 (FAX) 1-800-LUV-MY-PC (orders only) PLEASE MENTION THIS REFERENCE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING: JCSM-A2V A B O U T T H E N E W V E R S I O N : Although some prefer the simplicity of version-2 (this disk), and do not need the extra features of versions 4.0. Below is a brief run-down of what features were added to the newer version. This may help you decide which version is better suited to your business needs. WHAT'S NEW? * A new purchase-order system added! Print purchase orders and track orders to your vendors. * Vendor maintenance has been revised with new fields for 800 and FAX numbers, and more informative reports. * Type personal comments about an item "free-hand" on an invoice during order-entry. * Change an index with a key stroke! For example, if a report is indexed by account number, you can change it to alphabetize on customer's last name or company name. Or, maybe you would rather index on the item's description instead of the item number. * Rate your customers with A, B, C or D. Suppose you would just like to send a mailing to your A-rated customers, you can simply print out mailing labels only for your A-customers. * Separate database for sales prospects--those who haven't ordered yet. It will also remind you of when to call them back. * Allows you to select from two different invoice styles. * You set the re-order point for each individual item number, so when an item reaches it's point--the system will remind you to re-order that item. You can also print a report of all items that are low in stock. For those of you who do not use the inventory-tracking part of the program--you can enter a quantity of 999,999 for each item number so the system will not warn you that your stock is low. * To save time and paper, you can view reports on-screen as well as printed. * Add new customers "On-The-Fly"! Now you can go straight to order entry even if the customer does not exist in the system. When you enter a non-existing account number in Order Entry, the system will ask if you would like to add this customer instead of sending you back to Account Maintenance, which is great for "point-of-sale", or just for extra speed. * Look up the current status of an order, or list all previous invoice numbers of a particular customer. * Handles up to five price levels ranging from retail to wholesale. The system will ask you which price level to charge each account only once--during the opening of the new account, and will automatically charge the correlating price level to each subsequent order. * When printing mailing labels you can select from All, Dealers, Customers, Current, Previous, Next, or Tagged entries. * Now you can print more than one invoice at a time. Just enter the starting and ending invoice numbers. * If you are entering an order, and the item number that the customer selected has been discontinued or is out of stock, instead of losing the sale, select Alternate Listing and the system will display everything else in that category. * A field for credit-card numbers during order-entry. * Credit card reports have also been added. * A department/code field has been added on the order-entry screen to track advertising dollars. You can ask the customer where they saw you ad; or which catalog they are ordering from; enter a code here, and later print a report of all sales derived from a certain ad or catalog. * Quantity pricing has been added for those of you who give their customers a price break if they are buying in quantity. * You can enter a negative dollar amount to adjust an order. For example, ITEM# = 100, DESCRIPTION = "Special Discount" PRICE= "-$10.00" * Now you can have taxable and nontaxable items together on the same invoice. * Edit pricing on invoices during order-entry, simply by overwriting the given price. * Inventory items may be divided into an unlimited number of categories. * Raise or lower all prices (by percentage) with a key stroke, or raise/lower all prices just in a selected category. * Report on the value of your total inventory; cost or sell price. * Billing. Print monthly statements and late notices. * Postal code (zip) has been made alpha-numeric to accommodate Canadians and other countries. * A user-defined field has been added at the bottom of the invoice. You can name this field what ever you like. For example: "labor", and then you would enter the dollar amount. __________________________ Initially, The Order Pro was designed specifically for the mail- order business, but it seemed to grab the interest of other types of businesses as well. Many of the new features you see above, are the result of the most popular registered-users' suggestions. The Order Pro was intended to be as adaptable as possible to accommodate many different business types, and save the small to mid-size business owner hundreds to thousands of dollars on having to hire a programmer to write a custom automation system. We suggest that you thoroughly test the program, make a list of your questions, and call our customer service representative to answer your questions. CALL FOR CURRENT PRICING OF VERSION 4.0 Also from Automated Systems.... Smart-N-Easy Wedding Planner Smart-N-Easy Party Planner Smart-N-Easy Bar/Bat Mitzvah Smart-N-Easy Baby Planner Smart-N-Easy Home Inventory